Hello there, St. Lynn’s Press world! It’s lovely to meet all of you…sort of. I’ll fake shake your hand if you fake shake mine. Woohoo for internet friends!
Now, let’s get down to business. *cue Mulan soundtrack*
I’m the other half of the intern-duo this summer at SLP, holding up the editorial side of things with Cathy while Taylor and Chloe kick all kinds of PR butt. It’s been such a blast being able to do something I love (silently correcting peoples’ grammar) with such a wonderful group of people.
Especially when those people bring you plants (which I’m trying really hard not to kill. Thank you, Holly!)
(Yes. I stole this from Taylor’s blog post, but I’m pretty sure she stole it from Chloe, so shh. I won’t tell if you won’t.)
And free food (read: bread).
Soda Bread from Holly
Salt Rising Bread
Bread and Butter Brought to You (Me) by Chris Fennimore (!!)
Also, can we just take a minute to appreciate this view? I mean, come on. Tons of grammar snobbery AND beautiful scenery? I can’t. I actually can’t.
View from the balcony of the river (don’t ask me which one)
Okay, so it’s not all free food and good views. I have been doing important intern things, too. Aside from editing like a banshee (and trying to not lose my cool every time I have to not use the Oxford comma – Cathy knows how much that kills me), I’ve been taking lots of meeting notes, doing a lot of research, swimming my way out of a sea of CC-ed emails, working with Taylor on creating tipsheets (read: quick reference guides that will be the death of me), and arguing with the U.S. Copyright Office’s website. But I love the work that I’m doing, so none of that actually FEELS like work. Except for maybe the tipsheets. Definitely the tipsheets. I’ll get there.
Editing at the White Rabbit in Greensburg
Hot mess desk, complete with tipsheets, notes, and WSJ article on broccoli rabe
And, if you know me, you know that there are two things I’m very good at:
Paul put me to work my very first week utilizing one of those skills (eating mac and cheese, obviously).
…just kidding. I wish.
Guys, look what I did.
(and also this bonus board for meetings, other important dates, etc)
And, I will have you know, there was a lot of mathing involved in this. But, I mean, look at these beauties. The spacing. The color coordination. The labels. I basically created the Type-A Personality’s Heaven, so the mathing was worth it.
But I digress. I’m off to go ask people, mainly Cathy, if they know or would like to learn about our Lord and Savior, the Oxford Comma… 🙂
Until next time,
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