I’m back! Just in case you’re new to the St. Lynn’s Press blog, my name is Christina Gregory, a senior at Duquesne University, and I’m now the Spring 2016 Public Relations Intern at St. Lynn’s Press.
I decided that I liked it so much here that I wanted to come back, and I’m so glad I did. This time around, I worked on the PR side of things, drafting up press releases, email pitches, and social media content. My favorite part of working on the public relations for St. Lynn’s was getting the word out about books that we have been working so hard on for months. It’s very rewarding to see people get excited about a book that we’ve worked so hard on for so long!
I also was able to attend the Farm to Table Conference in Pittsburgh not too long ago with St. Lynn’s, and it was a blast! There were tons of amazing food and organic product vendors, and getting to show off our books to all the conference-goers was great fun.
Holly and Chloe manning the booth at Farm to Table Pittsburgh
We also got to see Susan and Jenny, our authors of Salt Rising Bread, give a talk about salt rising bread. They received an awesome turnout at their talk and everyone was very interested in learning about this mysterious bread—and I don’t think anyone minded having a taste of the samples Susan and Jenny brought, either.
Susan Brown and Genevieve Bardwell present on salt rising bread at the Farm to Table Pittsburgh conference
Though it’s coming to the end of my experience here at St. Lynn’s, I plan to soak up as much knowledge and good experiences as I can in this last month. After all, I’m learning new things every day.
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